Wednesday, May 28, 2008

For Aiur!

Yeah, coloured.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Hmm... now how do I count to 4?

I drew this one almost a year ago, when the Starcraft 2 gameplay trailers started hitting youtube. Dunno why, but halfway through the inking phase I just lost interest and dumped it.

Now don't go around asking why he's staring at his hand like that just yet - I'll be adding the psionic warp-blades later.

(Remember these?)

And the first one to roll out the pipeline.... a Samurai!

Yay - finally getting down to posting something.

This drawing's been hanging on my dorm cupboard for a year now...
Elicited quite a lot of oohs and aahs too. The anatomy's sketchy, and the ink-work wasn't very clean, but it doesn't really matter here - it's the moody grim atmosphere that counts. Honest!